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Between two people, love can become toxic. We accept that as a fact.


Does the same toxicity happen in the relationship between artists and art? 


By first listing a range of ulterior motives in both love and art, the book then explores a related yet missing bond of artistic belonging that is barely spoken of.

The author's personal stories as an artist, as well as analogies of romantic love and even war, are used to light the way.

"Whether it was playing in bands with friends or joining high-level courses, I've found myself misplaced and confused by art again and again. 


The courses were mainly about technique, and friends were mainly about getting high. Nothing seemed to touch on deeper sentiments of honour and belonging, which, above success, were things I was unknowingly searching for.


It was only when I found Robert Henri's book The Art Spirit in my early thirties that I finally found someone else who spoke about this. He spoke of a "great brotherhood" of artists who cannot be separated by time or space.


Picking up from his words, I've been trying to find a way for people like me (lost artists) to experience the grandest scales and deepest sentiments of the tradition they belong to. I accidentally discovered a way of doing this, and this book is the back story to that discovery."


A story that takes place in the city of Norwich over four hours on a single morning. It's quite experimental. Very much inspired by James Joyce. All the events are as true as memory serves. 

Copies are handmade, signed, and given freely with any painting purchased. This is the only way to get a copy of the book.

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